Friday, May 21, 2010

The Ginger Cure

Quick tip....if you have an upset stomach, ginger tea will knock it out in a snap. Promise :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cayenne Cures

I've read that Cayenne Pepper is a wonderful spice for digestion and also that it breaks up mucus. Well I'd like to say that I tested this out this last weekend while I battled a cold, and it's true! Pour a little cayenne into your tea, soup or even water and watch that runny nose clear right up. Amazing! I'm going to read up some more to see if there are other ways to use to remedy common colds and other things that knock us out week to week.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Shoulda coulda woulda

It's so easy, in the moment, when faced with Apple Pie to say, "ah shucks...just a little won't hurt!" But it DOES hurt...every single time (for me anyway). Why am I so slow to learn? Ha, well it's a work in progress. My heart goes out to the rest of you who, also, can't have apple pie. Totally un-American right? Right.

And for all you lovely individuals who CAN enjoy this amazing creation...well as Shakespeare once said I "bite my thumb at you".

;) just kidding. sorta.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

For Soda Lovers

Here's a great option if you simply can't part with Soda. Even low calorie sodas and all natural sodas have some form of high percentage sugar in them. High Fructose Corn Syrup goes without saying to avoid...but even sodas that boast cane sugar, agave nectar and so's still sugar people. And too much sugar aint good for you. However, Zevia recently came out with a line of Sodas made with the Stevia leaf. Hooray!

The Sweet Leaf

When I first realized I had to give up sugar if I had any hope of getting well and feeling vibrant again....I didn't believe I could do it. I'm the gal that has to "goop" her coffee up with a fancy creamer (think, carmel gingerbread swirl surprise). However I found some solace in knowing there was a sugar substitute out there called Stevia that could aid in lowering my cravings without having to totally give up all sweets.

(and a side note...equal, nutra sweet, and splenda or anything like them are BAD for you)

Stevia, or "The Sweet Leaf" is 200-300 times more sweet than sugar. If you really love the taste of good old sugar, it will take awhile to get used to. It took me awhile. Because let's be honest, nothing can substitute for an old fashioned chocolate chip cookie. However, chocolate chip cookies make me throw up, no matter how lovely they taste in the moment. And....ya I'm kinda sick of that.

SO, back to the Stevia factoids. Stevia is nearly calorie free, so if you are trying to drop weight it's a great way to reduce your caloric intake by using it in your favorite desserts. It also does not trigger cavities so it's an amazing option for kids (especially if you are a mom and you dread the inevitable sugar hyperactivity that follows an ice cream cone). You also will find that you don't experience the highs/lows after consuming a product made with Stevia. The sweet leaf does not cause a rise in blood sugar that other sugary foods do...leaving you craving another "hit" of sugar 20 mins after eating half the tray of brownies (ahem).

If you struggle with a yeast inbalance (Candida) like I do, Stevia DOESN'T feed the yeast. This was music to my ears when I first started reading about the Sweet Leaf. Trying to rid your system of yeast is very difficult. It takes will power and determination minute by minute, day by day. A little known fact? People who struggle with yeast overgrowth (some suggest 1 in 3 Americans are affected in some manner) experience extreme cravings and mood swings. I can vouch for this fact. The yeast inside my system needs it's fix, it needs something to feed itself with. So when I attempt to stave it by applying the principles of the candida diet, my body cries out for starchy, sugary, creamy foods like you wouldn't believe. All too often, I fall prey to these cravings feeling like a failure.

That, my 3 friends who read this, is why I'm so excited about Stevia. It's a way to fight those cravings without feeding the monster yeast.  I strongly suggest educating yourself on the qualities of Stevia at WWW.STEVIA.NET

The following stores sell stevia:
Whole Foods, New Seasons Marketplace, Trader Joes (this list will grow)

Some brand names:
Truvia , Stevia, Zevia

Keep up to date with "Recipe of the Week" in the right hand column of this blog. Hey they may not be as yummy as Rachel Ray or Marie Calendars, I'm not going to lie to you...but as a wise person (or alien?) once said..."eat to live, don't live to eat". Am I ever going to have pizza again? Hell Ya! But it will be a treat every once in awhile...and these recipes really do get me by as I anticipate those special days to come. la vie.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Maybe I spoke too soon...

It took only one weekend up in Seattle to get my way off my goals....leaving me frustrated and exhausted again. This is just going to be really hard...I'm sick of starting and stopping. Truly.

So it's back to the drawing board...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I'm Gettin' This Stuff Down

It's taken a lot of reading, practice, failure and patience....but I do believe I'm finally starting to get better :) The trick?

No Dairy
No Carbs
No sugar
No Alcohol
No Coffee

Lotsa eggs. Lotsa Quinoa. Lotsa Keifer. Lotsa Chicken, Turkey and Fish. Lotsa Almonds. Lotsa Water and tea. LOTSA VEGGIES PEOPLE.

Is this a formula for everyone? Absolutely not. But I finally have found what works for me. Now the only challenge left is to get creative....which I have.

Recipes to come...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Straight Answers for a Practical Audience

I found this book sitting on the dining room table where I work. I read through most of it in about 30 minutes and was blown away by this guys extremely simple and easy to understand approach to health. Also, he's just a normal dude like you and I who got fed up with all the confusing mixed messages behind the science of how we should eat. I would reccommend (as someone who is an un-trained in the science of food, but very trained in the constant struggle to get kids fed and stay healthy myself) for all families to read. Bouncing off my previous post, it's a good read for busy parents who want better for their kids in regards to nutrition.

Robin Hood

Eating healthy is very expensive, that I will say. It's a shame that lower income families (or single nannies, like me) have to settle for processed food because it's more bang for your buck.

I spent an obscene amount of money at New Seasons yesterday, just trying to get the proper components to begin the Body Ecology Candida assault. While balancing my check book I thought about how overwelming it must be for single women, or your average family in the midst of a recession to focus on healthy eating when the financial cost can be so high.

I'm going to do some research to see if there are any non-profits out there dealing with that issue. Or maybe I will just show up at Whole Foods with my bow and arrow...Little John can enter through the doors in a menacing manner while I swipe organic rice flour for the poor....

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Importance of Enjoying Life

I think I created this candida problem over many years of insomnia, over eating, eating on the go, and struggling through on again/off again bullemia. Yes, I can't say for sure...but the realization that I may have dug my own grave is staggering.

Our culture is in a great big giant rush. I work 3 12 hour days in a row...and I drag myself through those work hours using coffee, sweets, and quickly eating meals to stay awake and keep my focus. Have you seen those 5 Hour Energy commericals? Take a look...

If you didn't click the link, the commercials depict several different work environments in which employees are suffering to get through the day due to exhaustion. I hate that heavy lidded feeling that hits around 3pm. You start watching the clock, you're hungry and stop for fast food...or eat your "healthy" packed lunch ridiculously fast (thus making digestion difficult). But hey, we accept that's life and our culture pushes task oriented bullet pointed to-do lists on us and we just "get er done". I walk in the door from work and crash on my bed...toss and turn all night and then get up and do it all again. I find it VERY hard to believe a tiny red bottle of fizzy sugar like 5 hour energy will aid me in that fight. It's a bandaid...and our society LOVES quick fixes does it not?

I don't believe life has to be this way! This whole Candida experiment has become so much more than an issue of physical health for me. It's made me look my addictions right in the eye. I've had to come to terms with my lack of spiritual faith and way in which I view Jesus. I've swallowed the issue of efficiency for so long when I finally take a step back the amount restoration needed for a life lived in worship is completely overwelming.

What if we ate with gratefulness and took joy in the Creators ability to give us food on earth that naturally heals and keeps us strong. What if we had time to cook and sit down with our friends and family? What if we worked enough to have what we needed and used our spare time to love others?

I'm just working out my thoughts here...they may be imcomplete or maybe incorrect but I truly believe there is way in live in the United States without giving into the expectations of a such a busy and depressed society.

Aren't you tired of it? No wonder I know so many college kids who want to start a revolution...and so sit in coffee shops all day long writing angst filled poetry or signing up for every non-profit non-paying job they can find. Terrified that by the time they are 27 they will feel like they are 50, they wander aimlessly. And afraid they should be.

I'm not advocating laziness...if you don't work you don't eat. I'm embracing a holilstic idea of what a lifestyle rooted in Faith, love, peace and freedom would look like. I'm speaking about food and physical health yes, much I'm speaking of MORE. Body ecology, Natural Health, Candida treatment...these are just tiny parts of a large puzzle I'm trying to put together right now. I don't want to live in a fog anymore.

And so...Quinoa....mmmmmmmmmmm.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Operation Yeast Devastation

After my friends and family read my entry regarding expansion and contraction...they shrugged their shoulders and said the whole thing sounded pretty confusing. I have to agree.

When trying to change your life, it is best to start with a baby step, as it were. As so...tomorrow I start over again, officially on the body ecology diet (for realsies Beth and Kenny) and my goal is to make it through that day. Beyond that? I don't care.

One day at a time....visualizing myself feeling healthy, free of the burden of constant discomforts, and living with a free heart.

To be be healthy.

So here we are again ladies and gentlemen....DAY 1. But rather than call it that...I will give it a name.

"Operation Yeast Devastation" has commenced.

I can do it :)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Need for Cleansing, Balance, and a Little Peace

I spent this last week seeking peace. I did so by enjoying my new home, cooking, listening to music, and getting lots of rest. I'm learning, ever so slowly, that you can't love people right or serve God if you aren't taking care of yourself. I had become so stressed out about Candida, and eating perfect that I couldn't even relax. It was consuming me. It's amazing....when you are well rested and you put your priorities in place (which I'm still working on) it's much easier to function like a healthy person.

I've been reading about our need for cleansing. The body uses many different ways: tears, sweat, bowel movements....etc. In fact there is a strong argument that women live longer than men (in general) because they have more natural opportunities for cleansing (menstrual cycles, child birth). When you eliminate your body's ability to cleanse itself in these routine ways by eating constipating foods or depriving yourself of sleep....the toxins that your body so desperately wants to release are forced deeper into your system...creating disease and illness....or just general discomfort. 

To say the least the it's been nice to just sit back, relax and try and re-establish what my goals cleanse both emotionally and physically. I'm in no hurry to "cure" doesn't have to be rushed. However I would like to have figured some things out and be stronger before I leave for Africa in January. So it's a process of admitting when I'm frustrated, allowing myself to be frustrated and in turn, finding ways to address the frustration.

This weekend I addressed my frustration by cooking soup, chalk full of lots of colorful veggies. I also took time to listen to music and It's so easy to rush around and join the rat race of life. And let's face it, we live in a culture that often calls for it and there's nothing you can really do about that. But I promised myself this week that if I had a busy, yucky day....I would follow it up with a peaceful, thoughtful day. Perhaps that sounds new age, but it really helped me enjoy these days off from work. 

This idea leads me to another way of thought I've been reading about....balance. I'm learning that some foods are expansive, while others are contractive. An example Donna uses in her book is when you eat a large bowl of theater popcorn, you will often find yourself craving a sugary soda drink to go with it (which is why Theater concessions make so much money :). Salt (theater popcorn) is contractive to your body, therefore you start to crave a substance that will give it relief....something expansive like sugar (soda drinks). This also can explain the wheat thin/nutella phenomenon that Bethany Winstead so wonderfully describes as "pretty much amazing". The salty/sweet create the perfect balance, as we found out at a recent girls night.

Obviously too much salt and too much sugar lead to problems (such as yeast overgrowth, energy burn out, water retention, etc). The key is to find BALANCE is what you eat by pairing the right amount of expansive and contractive foods to give your body relief and satisfaction.

It sounds confusing but the body naturally craves these things, so it's not too difficult to figure out.

Expansive Foods:

(allowed with Candida diet)
Some Raw Vegetable Juices
Herbs and Spices
Kefir (which is awesome! more later...)
Raw butter, oils, ghee (I dont know what Ghee is...but I'm going to find out)
Lemons, limes, cranberries

(not allowed)
cottage cheese
all other fruits

Balanced Foods:

(allowed on Candida Diet)
raw veggies and salads
green veggies
soaked almonds
red skin potatoes
ocean veggies (to be explained later)
winter squash
root veggies
Quinoa, Amarath and buckwheat

Contractive Foods:

(allowed on Candida Diet)
Shell fish
Sea Salt

(not allowed)
all other grains (flour etc)
Hard, salty cheeses

So whether you are using the Candida diet to guide you, or just interested in a more healthy way of approaching diet, this is a very helpful idea to keep in mind. This food list has really helped me for preparing to go back on the Candida Diet...or more precisely, "The Body Eccology Diet"

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Biggest Set Backs

The hardest thing about killing off yeast overgrowth is that it takes a lot of diligence, determination, accountability and........TIME. And if there's one thing I run out of all day's time. I truly believe Candida is my issue. Can I prove it? Nah. And hey maybe I'll find out that I have some obscure sea slug stuck in my gut...I don't know. But as far as I can tell, Candida is the closest thing that makes sense after an endless amount of both traditional doctor visits as well as naturopathy. I've had a endoscopy, I've kept food journals,  I've done the lemonade diet, I've done the orange juice diet, I've taken prilosec, I've taken tums, I've done herbal laxatives, Colon cleansing, exercize, yoga, magic cures from late night television, I've drank tea before every meal, I've gone all liquid, all fruit, I've tried being vegan, I've done weight watchers, LA Weightloss, and Jenny Craig trying to...well ya drop those nasty 15lbs that bother me, but also trying to find a way to eat that doesn't hurt me. All these things have left me broke, more frustrated, and back in line at McDonalds feeling like a sick loser. Before I came across Candida info, I kid you not I casually considered "positive changes" which specializes in hypnosis. It was just a thought, but the fact that I even went there surprises me.

Today, I'm officially fed up. I thought I was before....but I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY fed up. There are only two people who can help me. Myself and Donna who wrote this book:

And for the only power who can help me? My Father....

I looked at an old picture of myself from a 2 years ago...I have aged SO much since then. More rapidly than ever before.... and I truly believe it's due to sleeplessness and symptoms related to Candida. I feel bad that my friends and family have to put up with listening to my problems or even reading this blog on days like this.

Sigh....back to the drawing board.

Friday, March 26, 2010

An Official Month Completed- Days 29-31

I've been pondering for the last couple days what I've learned from a month on the Candida Diet, and where to proceed from here....

I guess I'll just start with the basics:

1. My body, (for whatever reason)....does not seem to process sugar, starchy foods, alcohol or mixed coffee drinks. It leaves me (almost every time) feeling nauseous, constipated, tired and uncomfortable. These items also more often than not become lodged in my throat. 

           foods I CANNOT eat, or can only eat rarely:
potatoes, anything "fast" food, mixed drinks, soda, milkshakes, bread, pastries, fried food, milk chocolate, breaded items, orange juice, sugary juices or smoothie drinks (odwallas), mushrooms, strongly citrus fruits, chips, crackers, most pastas, white flour items, cookies, most restaurant prepared food, oily foods, high fat cheeses, food prepared in heavy cream or with lots of cheese, creamy soups, top raman :( , high fat know....SUGAR, FAT, CARBS.

         foods that I CAN eat:
fruit (with exceptions above), eggs, egg whites, Vegetables (with exceptions above), nuts, chia seeds, kombucha teas/drinks, emergency Vitamin C energy packets, olive oil, butter, spices, poultry, beef, fish, oatmeal, ground flax seed, essential greens mixes, stevia, lactose free milk, coconut, coconut milk, plain or low sugar yogurt, dark chocolate (80% cocoa and above), olive oil dressings, very very low sugar low fat dressings, gentle ice creams like fat free/sugar free yogurts and sorbets, soy cheese, low fat white cheese, goat cheese, feta cheese, all natural organic lunch meats, whole wheat low fat tortillas (small amounts), tuna fish, whole wheat pita pockets (small amounts), homemade pizza made fresh, light and with restrictions in mind, homemade soups (carb free).

2. I seem to crave the very foods that affect me so badly. I cannot figure out if this is emotional, or a physical symptom of the Candida. I would guess it's a little of both.

3. My Naturopath believes the mucus build up in my throat is a way my body is trying to protect itself from something (most likely all the foods listed above). Through a continued series of office visits and food journals we will figure it out for sure in the coming months.

4. I have to exercise, drink tons of water and get plenty of sleep or I will continue to struggle with issues no matter what type of diet I am on

5. Pursuing a peaceful mind rooted in spiritual faith and obedience is absolutely essential to my life. (but I've always known that)

As for where I go from here...I am unsure. To continue to live on the Candida diet adds a certain amount of stress and food obsession to my life that I hadn't expected. I've come to realize that I have a very polarized personality. I'm either going to be on the Candida diet with no exceptions....or I'm in the McDonalds drive thru. Either way, I MUST find a moderate way to function within my body's limitations.

After having soared with no cheating and amazing results in the first 20 days of the diet....I crashed hard giving into cravings and finding myself feeling as sick as ever in the last week or so.

New Goals:

1. Moderation: If you're going to have fruit such as berries. If you must have coffee, make it at home using sugar free flavors. Try tea when the caffeine cravings first hits. If you want to have a drink while out with friends, choose a red wine....not a cosmo :) These are the types of choices you have to start making...uh, Jenni. Great I'm talking in 3rd person now.

2. Exercize: Get in 30 mins of cardio a day. This boost your mood and seems to diminish cravings. Enjoy the weather when it's nice!

3. Remember your supplements and water
          1. vitamin b drops
          2. Magnesium
          3. Pro-biotics
          4. Papyaya enzyme chewable

4. READ "The Body Ecology Diet" by Donna Gates
    read it everyday to help keep your thoughts focused and interested in new ideas and information

So as I move forward, I am still using the Candida Diet as a guideline. And should that prove unsuccessful I may try the diet hardcore again at a later date...but we'll see how this next week goes. More to come.....

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 28

Today, marks the new beginning of my original goal....which was to be holistically well by summer.

candida diet+weight loss+8hrs sleep a night+naturopathic care+counseling+spiritual accountability+prayer= holistically healthy

Yes, I get tired of throwing up. Ya I don't like carrying extra weight. No, it's not fun feeling depressed, frustrated and crazy.....but more than any of these things, I truly desire to have the energy, time and strength to pursue my dreams and serve the people around me. Be a light, if you will. (will you?)

And so after a month of great successes, and even greater failures...I officially begin again. I'm starting from scratch to get this thing taken care of. But my focus now is to try and enjoy the process by getting creative with my time and resources. I found myself becoming a bit of a narcissist....obsessing in my head about food, my symptoms and health in general.

One of the most helpful ideas I took away from my visit at the Naturopathic Clinic was the thought of "re-establishing a healthy relationship with food and sleep".

I'm just trying to move forward. And the future will be filled with lots of soup, sleep and sanity.

Knock on wood (whatever that means).

Friday, March 19, 2010

Days 25 and 26................and 27. Sigh.

Oh man. This isn't going well. Really struggling to not fall into bad habits....

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 23 and 24

Sunday started out really well....but a trip to the mall to use a gift card put me into full stumble mode. I immediately went home and organized my veggies and frozen soup containers (thanks roxanne) and got myself all ready for the work week. And that's how this is going to work, planning ahead and staying out of direct contact with fast food and everything yummy....pretty much.

Ironically, despite the many flubs I've had this week...I've felt more healthy than I did all those 10 days on the diet hardcore...which makes no sense. So it could be that my body is ready to add healthy carbs in here and there...maybe even some dairy. so that's what I've been doing....allowing myself to have a little bit of sugar (in my tea....bit of dark chocolate here and there) and have been using just a tad of real cheese on my eggs...and I've added Berries back in. Beyond that I'm taking it easy.

My mom gave me a great book called "The Ecology Diet". I haven't read it yet but am excited to start. I'm keeping my food diary for this week only (doctor's orders) annoying to have write down everything you eat. Makes you obsessive.

So my basic goal  Today is to learn moderation and pay careful attention to foods that make me sick. If it makes me sick, I'm adding it to a list of NO foods. So I'm not so much on the full candida diet this week as I'm using it as a guideline...which seems to be working pretty good :) Like my doctor said...the goal is get well but also develop a healthy relationship with food so that I can live as a normal of obessive behavior related to food/health etc.

Okay...back to real life. So long.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 22

My visit to the Naturopath was pretty great. It's a community clinic located at PCC slyvania, run by students at the National College of Natural Medicine. Good option for people with limited budgets. They sat with me for about an hour and just walked through the events and symptoms I've been experiencing over the last couple years. Which, to say the least, was much more time than my primary care physician ever allowed me to talk.

In the end they were unable to diagnose me...but put me on a food diary plan along with Magnesium and Vitamin B drops. I go back in with my food diary in 2 weeks so they can get a better look at my habits and symptoms. By that time they will have retrieved my medical records as well which will be helpful. Apparently, it will be a long process but they are confident we can figure out what's wrong. So I'm blessed.

As for Candida they told me to eat "Light and easy foods" until we know what's wrong. So I plan to continue to the Candida diet. More than any other eating plan I've tried, this is the most helpful....but also most grueling. However my fridge is full of veggies, homemade soup, water and chicken. So here's to eating like a freakin' chipmunk for the next few weeks....gotta love that :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 21

I am off to the naturopath today. It could not have come at a better time either, considering I'm landsliding off the candida diet cliff...having given into eating fries the other day. But that's the type of person I am...I struggle with moderations and tend to live at opposite poles. I'm either going to eat NO CARBS....or I'm in the McDonalds drive thru. What the heck!

Never made it to the grocery store yesterday, which was my biggest mistake.

So that's the sleep, no groceries.....recipe for diaster.

Heading to Trader Joes now to try and get back on the wagon and preparing myself to hear some good insight this afternoon at my appointment!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 20

Well, it's been a rough week. I find myself thinking about all the foods that make me sick all the time and it's that rebel in me who wants to "break the rules" of the diet. It's not even as complex as that. I just really really like cheese, bread and sugar. That's the long and short of it.

So after the hard work of these many carb free veggie infused days I finished the Marathon by crashing on my face and eating pizza and drinking wine :) Which, may I just say, was glorious! However the purpose of this blog was not so much to keep the world updated on the status of my health...but more to give me accountability and and outlet to express frustrations/thoughts as I try and figure this thing out. And maybe even help somebody struggling with the same thing find some information to aid in the beginning of their search.

Today is Thursday. It's today I need to focus on. So TODAY I'm going to the grocery store to start back in on the long haul of learning to live different...while acknowledging that it was a rare and special treat to have pizza and actually not sick. So rather than beat myself up I'm moving on with a thankful heart for pizza and all the foods I'm learning to give up...and then?

I'm going to stop thinking about candida, food, probiotics and my own puke for the rest of the day:) And that, my friends, will truly be glorious.

Goals for today:
1. Stop thinking about myself

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 18 and 19

Well, I have to say I'm starting to stray off this diet. It's pretty evident in my lack of posting. I can correlate it, almost directly with moving, unpacking, extra work days, no grocery money and very little sleep. I'm just not planning ahead. Have I ruined all my hard work? Nah, but I am on the pathway to if I can't get re-focused very soon. Going into the Naturopath this friday will help as well...get some good insights on how to make this work...and maybe even find that there is another, more practical journey for me out of this problem. Something a little more suited for someone who works long days and cooks for other people.

We shall matter what though I'm getting lazy and MUST complete this goal if I'm truly interested in changing my life so that I can better love and serve the people around me.

Goals for today (learning to live in the "today" rather than in the past or future):

1. WATER (as always)
2. Get those supplements in me
3. No "tasting" the kids food

That's all folks.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 17

I'm just tired and don't want to think about any of this anymore :) But that's the thing....if you don't think about doesn't work.

ya de ya de ya de ya

Day 16

Arg. Was up all night throwing up. Not sure exactly what happened...maybe got a little too confidant in my body's ability to stay strong through a dose of Thai food? Too spicy maybe?

Or it could be just time to be I'd had a good 5 day break from it. So while it was discouraging and I missed church due to exhaustion....I'm trying to stay positive in knowing that it's becoming more and more infrequent. And I'm learning to live without the "yummy" stuff I simply cannot have. And once again thank you to my boyfriend who came over to take care of me when he found out I was sick.

:) I am a lucky girl.

I'm excited to go to the naturopath this Friday, hopefully I'll come away with some great information that will aid me on this quest to starve yeast out of my system.

No screw ups today, stuck to salad and boiled eggs....but I NEED to eliminate the dressing and make a dressing I can actually have.

Tomorrow's work day goals:

2. Take all supplements
3. Jog during nap time
4. No cheating!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 13 and 14 and 15

Well, moving into a new apartment with no internet makes daily blogging difficult...but following the candida diet pretty easy considering I have no food in my cupboards. All in all it's been going really well because I've been so distracted there's not been much temptation. And despite some sleep deprivation due to extra work hours and lots of late night moving...I feel pretty well rested. There's not a whole lot to say I guess.

Things to improve on:

1. get some groceries dangit!
2. More water
3. Start taking your supplements again

And......that's all folks.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 12 (REALLY?)

The thing about it is...screwing this up now would be like running a marathon only to crash one foot from the finish line. And I am really screwing this all up. I was SO strong for so long on it i don't know what's wrong.

Actually I do. I think I'm tired. I think I have the fever the small children gave me (with blisters on my mouth, hands and feet soon if I follow in their footsteps, so to speak). And having run out of money after a hefty move and new apartment expenses (I just HAD to have that slip cover for the couch) I find myself out of finances for groceries.

So here I am at work scrounging for fresh meat (sounds so violent) in their refridgerator and trying to find a way to eat zucchini in a new and intresting manner. And it's just not going well.

Confession time.

1. I have not taken my supplements today because they aren't going down my throat
2. Had a cookie. BAD.
3. Getting by on "meat" but it's actually marinated in all sorts of sugary somethings and...
4. Had a small piece of dark chocolate

I can't tell if my headache and exhaustion is from Candida, or if I've caught the sickness the kids have or if I'm just tired but no matter what, I'm making bad choices and trying to find a way to stop.

So if you know me, and you read this...please send me a message that isn't so much filled with "go team" type phrasing...but rather...tell me how it is and hold me accountable to my health goal!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 11

OOOOOOOOOkay. Maybe I said, "kicking it's ass" a bit too quickly. So, today is one of the more difficult days yet. That seems to be the pattern...a couple good days, a bad one...a couple good days, a bad one.

Experiencing some food stuck in my throat vomit though (well not me. The child threw up on me). Feeling physically really pretty good. Probably due to the coffee I got this morning. It was sugar free but this diet is strictly caffiene free, and so flubbed up there. Also I've messed up here and there on food intake. Ate a bit of rice...helped the kids I nanny make cookies for their dad's birthday and took a taste. Maybe not such a big deal physically, but it's affecting my mental state. In those moments I feel failure and lack of self control.

But do you know what is really bothering me? I'm becoming obsessed thinking about the food restrictions...and in turn, I'm becoming obsessed thinking about myself. I will not complete this diet only to become a healthy narcissist. I can't spell today either. I need more than 3 hrs of sleep for a 12 hr work day...maybe that's the problem.

I will close this blog before I become a health freak. We'll see how the next couple days go.

So it'll be fine but I've got to get my thoughts together and just stop thinking!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 10

"Please please...please let me dunk her!"

That's what the 3 year old boy I take care of had to say about his sister while in the tub. Apparently his need to put his little sister's head under the water was so great that he actually teared up when I said, "No." This is either the greatest Oscar worthy piece of acting I have ever seen.........or the kid loves putting girls head under the water. But then again, don't all men love bugging women? (cough...Kenny)

As for Candida? I'm kicking it's ass.

I think this may actually be working. I'm also realizing that this isn't going to be a "phase" in my life. I'm learning to eat like this (within reason...I will have a piece pizza at some point in my life I'm sure) for the rest of my life. Pasta may be really yummy...but the number it does on my stomach and throat isn't worth it. Even if I get all this yeast that's giving me problems out of my system...I'm finding that my body seems not mean't for certain foods.

I'm of course seeking a second opinion at the PCC Community Naturopathic Clinic next week, but I think I'm right. My body hasn't felt this at ease and healthy in at least a year. Worth keeping up, even if it means never eating a donut again.

What's the saying? Eat to live, don't live to eat? Easier said than done, but very wise statement.

Still experiencing very infrequent minor nausea/constipation....but considering how I felt 2 weeks ago? I consider this plan to be a success.

Time will tell.......

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Thank ya Kindly.......

Something I've been meaning to say on this blog (to myself mostly, because I know not many people are reading :) is that I am very thankful for my health. Even at my worst in this whole ordeal with daily nausea, aches/pains, and does not compare to all the people out there dealing with cancer, heart disease and other life altering situations. So despite the focus of this blog I want to just type some words of....well.....gratitude I suppose. Because even in the most exhausting moments of feeling terrible, I have continuously been granted a wonderful, blessed life.

So thank you to everyone to prays for me, and to all of you who have gone out of your way to find answers for me. The support and accountablity is much needed and ever so appreciated.

To a few people who have REALLY gone out of their way to be apart of this journey so far. Whether it be following this blog, praying for me or just taking a sincere interest you have impacted me:

Mom- thanks for EVERYTHING. you've been the listening ear, an offerer of resources and prayer, friend, and encourager. And heck you gave birth to me.
Roxanne- I've never even met you but the interest you took in my situation means a lot to me :)
Grandma- The prayer warrior. Nough said.
Jackie- My Africa mama. thanks for always checkin' in on me :)
Nan- For telling me how it is. And for always taking interest in my life. Here's to you, Jello Prez
Anna- Thanks for sharing your story and resources with me
Debbie-I know you can relate, thank you for talking things out with me and for really listening, even when I feel silly talking.

And finally....the biggest thanks goes to a very special "that guy".

My boyfriend, Kenny, has taken some brutal verbal beatings as he tears ice cream, cheerios and cliff bars out of my greedy, carb-starved hands. He's listened to me complain more than anyone. He's watched me become sick after buying me nice dinners on our date nights and nursed me back to health time and again (pulling the car over when I'm nauseous, holding my hair back out of my face, telling me it's okay). He picks up my supplements when I forget and buys me healthy groceries when I can't afford it. He's graciously put up with my irritable, crazy, foggy moments in the midst of substantial sleeplessness and discomfort. He's really gotten me through this whole fiasco and I cannot thank him enough.

He's been through crazy girlfriend boot camp people. We've had a rough couple months and despite misunderstandings and mistakes...he's still around. And it's.....well awesome!
You are wonderful Kenny. Thank you SO much :)

Day 9

Today was relatively easy and pretty boring. The most exciting moment surrounded my playing of the "should I eat this old yogurt" game. In the end it wasn't that fun.

Ah, what to say.......OH! Bought myself a granola bar as a treat for completing a whole week of this grueling diet. Didn't affect me badly or anything...but not something I plan to repeat.

And in other news my black slacks that haven't fit me 8 months are now a comfortable, and even loose fit. Which, is basically awesome. Feeling good today. No vomit, lots of rest, lots of supplements and really can't complain. Maybe I'm turning a corner on this whole deal? We shall see.

Hopefully visiting a real live Naturopathic Clinic this week.

And.......I'm done.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 8

Well today is going well because I haven't really eaten. I don't feel like it. I'm sick of eggs, yogurt and chicken. So I'm opting to just drink my Kombucha drink and be stubborn. Heading to the Gym to work off some of my negative attitude.

As for other positive notes I purchased a vintage set of Jars today that have mushrooms on them. For 10 bucks. Hooray :)

Called on this place...we'll see...


Portland Community College Sylvania Community Clinic
Friday, 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. with Dr. Peabody supervising
PCC Sylvania Campus, HT Building, Room 217
12000 SW 49th Avenue, Portland
To make an appt.: (503) 552-1515
Located in southwest Portland, this clinic is the only health service provided on campus. It is the largest of the three PCC campuses, serving approximately 26,000 students annually. The clinic also serves the staff, faculty and community members in the neighborhood.

Day 7 lesson

After working so very hard for a week, it's NOT a good idea to celebrate by taking a giant bite of a grilled cheese sandwich. Because it may get stuck in your mucus coated throat and cause you to throw up all the other "good" foods you worked so hard to prepare earlier in the day.

Yes, I spent the whole evening puking. In a way it was good because I'm associating certain foods I know my system can't handle with negative things like vomit and general discomfort. I'm hoping this reminder aids me in making proper choices for Day 8. Which begins officially.........Now. No wait.....



I don't want to cook eggs. So sick of eggs. What I would give for a bowl of cheerios right about now.... :)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 7

Officially one week on the Candida Diet. While I have tripped up once or twice taking a taste of a pancake here....eating 1 chocolate covered Almond yesterday....pretty much haven't cheated and I'm feeling better.

The Pros:

Learning to be disciplined in my health
Reading a lot about good foods for your body
Considering pursuing a degree of some kind in nutrition along with Doula certification
Loving the Gym again. Running 2 miles a day.
Lost 10lbs
Eating lots of Veggies
Learning to listen to my body and know what it needs
Taking Supplements diligently everyday (love pro-biotics)
Vomiting/other symptoms have lessened (but still linger)

The Cons:

Still struggling with vomit/sleeplessness (without sleep enhancing drugs)/headaches/fatigue/mucus in throat *though they have become less severe as mentioned above*
Becoming Lazy about my menu and starting to just "not eat" rather than find something I can have
Dropping weight too fast (probably for reason above...I Love that I'm dropping weight, but I
want it to be sustainable and healthy)
Still very constipated which surprises me considering how many veggies I'm eating
Settling for being super hungry rather than taking time to make food
low low energy level
become very frustrated sometimes at the lack of options

My goals as I start week 2:

1. Get some good Candida recipes (thanks Jackie :)
2. Get Creative about my works outs/options for food to avoid starvation tactics or going crazy and eating a cake.
4. Raw vegetables once a day (baby steps)
5. Spend time renewing my relationship with God.


This is working. My symptoms are going down. I'm in the midst of the hardest part because I'm still experiencing the discomforts (though milder than before) but have no way to "medicate" myself by grabbing a candy bar to make myself feel better. This is a very good thing. I'm learning to live in this place: embracing my flaws, addictions, struggles and voids yet not turning to worldly things (food, stuff, entertainment...and in some cases other people) to ease the pain. I have to deal with it head on. I have to "snuggle up to it and accept this struggle" as my friend....a part of my life, and then destroy it (e tu Brute?).

To be honest, it's NOT so much about the Candida. I don't want natural health, my own life, blogging, how I feel or Candida itself to become my "god". The best way I can describe it is this:

I want to be free. That's all.

So as I pack up my junk from this house sitting gig I've had...and gather my blessed zucchini's, greek yogurt, stevia packets and supplements from their fridge...I venture forth into Day 7. Hopefully filled with some good eats, good exercize, good thoughts, time with God and service by loving on the two toddlers that nearly ended my life on Wednesday (over the top I know, but in the moment, I felt like I truly would die from their high pitched screaming and endless timeout balling).

Away We Go. Again :)

Peace Out.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 6

Today is pretty easy. It's a non-work day and between staying busy with fun things like the gym and buying new art supplies, I haven't really been tempted to stray from the diet or get myself in any trouble. Feeling really good too...could this be working?

Went to new seasons and bought a Kombucha drink....very low carb and a nice pick me up.

I also became fearfully lost in an IKEA showroom. I found myself weeping in a postmodern gray scale bedroom with simplistic small furniture made for thin yuppies to snuggle on while they talk on their iPhone..... to grandma...who has been put away in a care facility. Thankfully, after wiping my tears I made it to the kitchen section, where I knocked on different sets of overpriced (yet still cheap) badly made tables...trying not to get in the way of the young engaged couple who was clearly on a mission to register for that huge portrait of Audrey Hepburn before anyone else. I wanted to say, "Don't worry guys! There's plenty more pop culture knocks offs that way! So just back the hell up!"

Um, but as for Candida? Things seem to be going well today. Even took my supplements.

Does anybody have a good recommendation for a Nautropath who either takes insurance or can work with low budgets? Or know how to get out of IKEA?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 5

Vomit free. So far. Nough said.

Oh and it's really hard to watch a toddler consume cheesy grilled cheese on homemade bed while you swallow down a mix green salad with no dressing. Sigh....

But it's worth it (she said to herself in the mirror). It's worth it.

Now if I could just get through this work day filled with mud, screams, more screams, upset housekeepers, workmen in the house, and the baby... that pooped in my hand. No joke. I'm officially a horrible nanny and girlfriend. Totally lost my cool today. Totally.

Not going to jog today. Gonna let the body rest while the kiddos nap and listen to classical music while I eat broccol. And, get a pedicure/spa treatment while Rachel Ray cooks me some sorta amazing pasta something and tells me how wonderful I am and that I'm like the little sister she never had and that she wants me to write witty antidotes in her magazine!

And poof...back to reality. I really am going to listen to classical music and eat broccoli though, just so we are clear.


But hey, American Idol is on tonight!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 4 was....

I think quite simply every day is getting easier. It's frustrating to still be vomiting and struggling with headaches. I have to remember I am starting this diet off in the middle of a work week, which makes things more difficult to get used to for the beginning. This will be a long road though and I'm on my way.

Now if I could only find a nautropath my insurance will accept :)

Tried drinking Cayenne pepper mixed in water before eating to aid in digestion today. I've done some of this with lemon juice and a 10 day fast I tried earlier this year. So excluding the lemon juice it seems to be helping a little.

I keep reading articles with so many different ideas on what to try, I think I'm going to just cut it off and stay with what I've got going now. In a couple weeks I'll revisit some other ideas if progress continues to be very slow.

In the end? Kinda the same thing....seeing little changes, but little set backs as well. Going to keep up the hard work. That's all I can do.

Praying no more vomit! Man, (sigh) would feel so good not to throw up :)


I found myself in the midst of a dark and dangerous place. The wheels screeching around me...the cries of pain. Survival of the fittest at work as they fought for the things they loved. The ground giving them no mercy as they fell, overwelmed and ready for sleep. But sleep would not yet come, for the florescent lights above had drove them mad...they ran in complete delirium. They are cut throat. Harsh. Unforgiving.

They are toddlers.

Yes I found myself in the middle of a very intense situation this morning, otherwise known as "family open gym". It's amazing how cute tiny children can be so cruel to one another. Stealing a ball here, ramming someone's ankle there, taking the cool bike from the smaller's incredible really.

I have more thoughts on this...but I'll save it for my blog that has nothing to do with bodily functions, like this one does.

Now, as for this whole Candida business:

The awesome thing about family gym is that it's right across the street from my favorite restaurant (one of them anyway) Laughing Planet Cafe. This cafe sports plenty of organic, carb free, healthy options for those of you with sensitive systems. Won't kill your wallet either.

So now the kids are sleeping. I just finished up all my household chores (laundry, picking up toys, handwashing bottles, preparing stuff) and so I'm doing a quick blog about the day.

To some it up? This diet really sucks for me right now. You really have to stay so focused. It's so easy to cheat. But so far I've yet to cheat and I feel pretty good despite some minor vomiting today. Really can't complain, I'm already seeing improvement and I truly believe this is going to work. I feel pretty energized today as well. No yesterday.

Things I've focused on:
1. More veggies
2. More water
3. eliminated nuts and soy cheese (for now)

I feel content.

Monday, February 22, 2010

I scream You scream will All scream for....

Should you find an ice cream sold in stores that is sugar free (including fruit sugars like agave, etc) and Dairy free...let me know! Or if you know a good recipe for it :)

DAY 3 recap

Today was........hard.

Yep, hard.

It started out SO lovely. I felt well rested and no tears came when that 5am alarm clock went off. It was amazing because usually I can't even sleep I'm dreading that "summer solace" ringtone (my cell phone alarm clock plays) so greatly. But this morning, I was at peace and ready for my day.

And that peaceful "I'm about to make candida my bitch" overly confidant feeling continued until about 3pm. I successfully got the children down for a nap and then headed up the stairs to the treadmill. I had worked hard all day to get my household duties done so I could take an actual break during naptime to jog. And jog I did....for 2miles (yeah I'm runnin a 15minute mile but who's counting). I felt great! Strong! Inspired! Skinny! and then......

CRASH. My body literally crashed. My lids were heavier than I can ever remember on a work day. I started moving slow, couldn't focus enough to read my book. It was all I could do to stay awake.

I figured too little food intake must have been the problem with that 30min I ate a boiled egg. I ate some peanuts. I had a few blueberries (which are allowed on occasion). And then..

promptly vomited.

Arg. Now, this candida deal requires diligence. It's not an overnight takes weeks and weeks of work to starve that yeast out and even then, some people have to do the diet on and off their whole life to stay in check! But I actually started to believe I had kicked the thing. Boy was I humbled.

I stayed strong despite nausea and headache, when usually I would (in anger) go down any chocolate item I could find. So I consider it a successful day with a few lessons learned:

1. no eating nuts until your a few weeks in
2. save some meat and veggies for AFTER working out
3. chia seeds will fill up your stomach for a long time

Until next time....


For anyone who reads this ( lol)...what is the final say on eating nuts on the candida diet? I keep finding conflicting ideas online. Anyone know?

Peace Out,



Well here we are....the blessed work day. This will be very brief because the children are running in circles, chasing one another with mini shopping carts and a yellow box car (ya, don't ask). They are 1 and 3 and have an endless amount of energy.

Despite eating like a rabbit (or other quick, paranoid rodent) all week long...I feel relatively good. Making sure to get in bed by 9:30 last night really helped (thanks to my boyfriend, ONCE AGAIN for making me put my movie idea away for a better nights sleep). It's 10am now, and I've accomplished a number of tasks thus far:

1. got up at 5am
2. started work by 6am
3. made a very cheesy, carb filled breakfast for my employers, without giving into temptation to eat it myself
4. folded 4 baskets of clothes
5. made peach/apricot pancakes for the children *took one bite..but then spit it out*
6. made myself the world famous "Candida Egg Veggie Scramble"
7. we all brushed our teeth
8. removed the kid's syrup covered pajamas and put on clean clothing
9. washed all the dishes
10. unloaded the dishwasher
11. took out the garbage
12. changed 5 diapers
13. had the "you can't go to high school unless you learn to poop on the toilet" talk
14. Made 23oz of baby formula
15. put all those folded clothes away
16. Re-loaded the dishwasher
17. Drank my super greens
18. Gave Abby her bottle and put her down for morning nap
19. Removed many dangerous items from James hands
20. Sat him down for quiet time with books
21. currently blogging and preparing his sunday school lesson in which we will attempt to learn the Lord's Prayer
22. oh, and took all my supplements

Not too bad for 4 hours, if I do say so myself. I'm doing good......I'm hoping to keep it up.


If you REALLY like a sweet taste like me, but sugar does horrible things to your's a nice little trick: (thanks Kenny)

Stevia Sweetner (I found mine at Trader Joes)
-natural herb
-calorie free
-saccharin free
-non-bitter aftertaste
-sugar free

*use it to zest up your plain yogurt when on the candida diet*

Also, if you're trying to get enough veggies per day, but find the task daunting...buying a super greens mixture is a nice quick way to get that important fiber and nutrients:

Super Greens (also from Trader Joes, in the vitamins/supplements aisle)
-dietary supplement
-contains many different green leafy veggies in powder form
-also contains some fruit powder

*to be used sparingly on the candida diet...only if you really need a green boost*

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 2

Today went really well. I struggled through some headaches and normal digestive issues...but nothing I'm not used to. The biggest problem to over come is social situations where I can't necessarily control what food is out. The key to solving this problem (like I've said so many times) really comes down to diligence with the restrictions of the Candida Diet.

To say the least....watching pizza and chocolate chip cookies get passed around at a game night this evening was totally frustrating. However in the end I stayed strong thanks to my very patient and encouraging boyfriend who steered a cookie away from me a time or two...and also thanks to the prominent salad bowl in the middle of the table.

I even managed to take all my supplements (not as easy to remember as you'd think) and it's 9:30pm and I'm heading to bed already. All in all? Day 2 has been declared a success.

Goals for tomorrow:
ease up on the nut/yogurt/soy cheese intake...MORE VEGGIES!
GET A WORK OUT IN, just a small one to start

It's a work day tomorrow that starts at 6am....I will be handling mac and cheese, hot dogs and bagels while serving the kids. They will, no doubt, absolutely destroy my energy level by 2pm by running circles around me and taking part in a game called "who has the best raptor scream?".

Long story. days are always the most difficult days for me in regards to how well I feel and the choices I'm puttin my Game face on :)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

DAY 1 recap

Wow...I can not believe all the posting I did in the last 24hours. As self involved as it sounds, it's really helped me stay on track. Who knew that typing to yourself online could prove so helpful in processing this monster called the Candida Diet (da da da...menacing music).

Unfortunately I declared victory a bit too soon....


I took a couple swigs of some dessert wine I forgot was in my fridge. Bad Jenni. Bad. So Day 1 was a near success. Getting the yeast out of my system will be like a boxing match between my cravings (your cravings for carbohydrates and sugar are drastically increased when yeast takes over) and starving out the Candida. So while all my hard work today was not erased by the swig of wine, if I don't keep strictly to the rules my little "cheats" here and there could get me knocked out in round use a really cool boxing pun...or something.

The wine has been poured down the chocolate covered almonds removed from the crime scene by my boyfriend (this could have been a lot worse people) and we are set and ready for Day 2......

The big challenge tomorrow? A Sunday evening pizza feed/game night in which I will be chewing on broccoli the entire time....should be hell :)


See? Proof from a few days ago (BEFORE I started my diet, mind you) that I have no self control. I love me a sugary fruity girly cocktail. This just can't happen anymore. If you catch me around town enjoying alcohol...punch me in the throat. And really...should anyone be drinking green martini's? It looks like pinesol....

Wait, what is that?

props to bethany

Thanks to Bethany Winstead for always talking up Trader Joes and their "Mahi Mahi" fillets. On my quest to learn to like fish for this diet, they have proven very helpful!

Day 1 a success ladies and gentlemen. No cheating....and haven't thrown up (yet) today! Your know your standards for life have dropped when you count a day without puke a miracle.

But won't see me frowning people....for I, Jenni Walker, am thus far vomit free.

My supplements....

Acidophilus and Probiotic Complex (2 tablets once daily)

Natural Papaya and Pineapple Enzymes (chew one tablet with a meal daily)

NF Formulas Phytostan Caprylic Acid with Co factors Botanical Intenstinal Support (1 tablet 3x daily between meals)


As for the Waffles...

Success! Lucky for me there were eggs at the party as well......

day 1

A new's 12:06am and my first challenge will be the waffle feed birthday brunch I must attend later this morning. The only way to really fight this thing is to follow the restrictions of the candida diet, as well as be consistent in taking my vitamins/supplements...get rest and exercize. All that to say, NO WAFFLES FOR JENNI. The best line of defense? Bring some of your own snacks and eat before hand. we go....DAY 1.

Don't forget to check on me that guy...and anyone else reading. I need all the encouragement and advice I can to fight this thing and be diligent in keeping with the guidelines :) I want to feel good, not sick. So sick of feeling sick.

Okay, and we are off!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Candida you feel crazy???

Alright, so I'm no doctor. But I've been at my wits end, throwing up, having trouble swallowing and feeling sleeplesss, uncomfortable, hopeless and crazy. This is not an exaggeration. Here are the following candida symptoms if you've wondered what's wrong with you. Make sure to check with your doctor to discuss these symptoms before trying any life changing diet:

mood swings
weight gain/loss (unexplained)
feeling in a fog
acne and other skin problems
consistent headaches
trouble swallowing
mucus build up in saliva
intolerance to food

If you suffer from most or all these symptoms it may be worth doing some research into the issue of Candida and yeast.

A Difficult Endeavor

Here I go....Day one of the official Candida smack down begins in 25 mins.

The Rules:

Candida Cures

Fresh Vegetables (lowest in carbohydrates) - Asparagus, arugula, bok choy, beet greens, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, chard, cucumber, endive, fennel bulb, lettuce, nappa cabbage, mustard greens, radish, romanesco, salad greens, spinach, tomato, watercress.

Next best choices (medium carbohydrates) - avocado, artichoke, brussel sprouts, celeriac, chives, collards, dandelion greens, green beans, eggplant, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, okra, onion, parsley, peppers (green, hot, and sweet), rutabagas, sno pea pods, spaghetti squash, turnip, yellow and/or green summer squash, yellow wax beans, zucchini.

Fresh Herbs – basil, cilantro, chervil, dill, mint, oregano, parsley, tarragon, etc. Tasty garnishes for candida cures menus.

Homemade sprouts - clover sprouts, radish sprouts, broccoli sprouts, sunflower sprouts, lentil sprouts, mung bean sprouts

Fresh Coconut - antifungal, full of good fats and not too high in sugars. Fresh coconut is one of my favorite snacks, and its one of the best candida cures!

LOW CARB Yogurt- greek plain yogurt is great! You can add stevia to sweeten it up.

Fresh Garlic - a very potent ingredient in a variety of candida cures, both for the kitchen table as well as for making topical treatments for external symptoms. Also can be used to make an enema solution or as a suppository.

Fresh Ginger - another potent ingredient used in a variety of recipes, excellent for digestive troubles.

Free Range Organic Eggs - Potent source of protein and fat. A convenient addition to our candida cures shopping list.

Raw Butter, Organic Butter, Ghee and Clarified Butter

Free Range Chicken, Turkey, Duck, Pheasant, etc.

Grass-Fed Pastured Beef, Bison, Buffalo, Venison, Elk, Lamb, Pork, etc.

Fresh Fish and Seafood
All Natural Deli Meats - from a reputable source, no preservatives, sugars or artificial ingredients.


Bread, carbs, most fruits, sugar, dairy (minus yogurt) and basically everything yummy. Just eat off the list above.

Does this all look good? Let the battle begin....