Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Sweet Leaf

When I first realized I had to give up sugar if I had any hope of getting well and feeling vibrant again....I didn't believe I could do it. I'm the gal that has to "goop" her coffee up with a fancy creamer (think, carmel gingerbread swirl surprise). However I found some solace in knowing there was a sugar substitute out there called Stevia that could aid in lowering my cravings without having to totally give up all sweets.

(and a side note...equal, nutra sweet, and splenda or anything like them are BAD for you)

Stevia, or "The Sweet Leaf" is 200-300 times more sweet than sugar. If you really love the taste of good old sugar, it will take awhile to get used to. It took me awhile. Because let's be honest, nothing can substitute for an old fashioned chocolate chip cookie. However, chocolate chip cookies make me throw up, no matter how lovely they taste in the moment. And....ya I'm kinda sick of that.

SO, back to the Stevia factoids. Stevia is nearly calorie free, so if you are trying to drop weight it's a great way to reduce your caloric intake by using it in your favorite desserts. It also does not trigger cavities so it's an amazing option for kids (especially if you are a mom and you dread the inevitable sugar hyperactivity that follows an ice cream cone). You also will find that you don't experience the highs/lows after consuming a product made with Stevia. The sweet leaf does not cause a rise in blood sugar that other sugary foods do...leaving you craving another "hit" of sugar 20 mins after eating half the tray of brownies (ahem).

If you struggle with a yeast inbalance (Candida) like I do, Stevia DOESN'T feed the yeast. This was music to my ears when I first started reading about the Sweet Leaf. Trying to rid your system of yeast is very difficult. It takes will power and determination minute by minute, day by day. A little known fact? People who struggle with yeast overgrowth (some suggest 1 in 3 Americans are affected in some manner) experience extreme cravings and mood swings. I can vouch for this fact. The yeast inside my system needs it's fix, it needs something to feed itself with. So when I attempt to stave it by applying the principles of the candida diet, my body cries out for starchy, sugary, creamy foods like you wouldn't believe. All too often, I fall prey to these cravings feeling like a failure.

That, my 3 friends who read this, is why I'm so excited about Stevia. It's a way to fight those cravings without feeding the monster yeast.  I strongly suggest educating yourself on the qualities of Stevia at WWW.STEVIA.NET

The following stores sell stevia:
Whole Foods, New Seasons Marketplace, Trader Joes (this list will grow)

Some brand names:
Truvia , Stevia, Zevia

Keep up to date with "Recipe of the Week" in the right hand column of this blog. Hey they may not be as yummy as Rachel Ray or Marie Calendars, I'm not going to lie to you...but as a wise person (or alien?) once said..."eat to live, don't live to eat". Am I ever going to have pizza again? Hell Ya! But it will be a treat every once in awhile...and these recipes really do get me by as I anticipate those special days to come. la vie.


  1. I like to use SweetLeaf stevia, rather pure brand...

  2. Yes I use that brand too! Your right...some stevia packets, like the ones they sell at Trader Joes have a small amount of other ingredients in them :)
