Friday, April 16, 2010

Robin Hood

Eating healthy is very expensive, that I will say. It's a shame that lower income families (or single nannies, like me) have to settle for processed food because it's more bang for your buck.

I spent an obscene amount of money at New Seasons yesterday, just trying to get the proper components to begin the Body Ecology Candida assault. While balancing my check book I thought about how overwelming it must be for single women, or your average family in the midst of a recession to focus on healthy eating when the financial cost can be so high.

I'm going to do some research to see if there are any non-profits out there dealing with that issue. Or maybe I will just show up at Whole Foods with my bow and arrow...Little John can enter through the doors in a menacing manner while I swipe organic rice flour for the poor....

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