Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thank ya Kindly.......
So thank you to everyone to prays for me, and to all of you who have gone out of your way to find answers for me. The support and accountablity is much needed and ever so appreciated.
To a few people who have REALLY gone out of their way to be apart of this journey so far. Whether it be following this blog, praying for me or just taking a sincere interest you have impacted me:
Mom- thanks for EVERYTHING. you've been the listening ear, an offerer of resources and prayer, friend, and encourager. And heck you gave birth to me.
Roxanne- I've never even met you but the interest you took in my situation means a lot to me :)
Grandma- The prayer warrior. Nough said.
Jackie- My Africa mama. thanks for always checkin' in on me :)
Nan- For telling me how it is. And for always taking interest in my life. Here's to you, Jello Prez
Anna- Thanks for sharing your story and resources with me
Debbie-I know you can relate, thank you for talking things out with me and for really listening, even when I feel silly talking.
And finally....the biggest thanks goes to a very special "that guy".
My boyfriend, Kenny, has taken some brutal verbal beatings as he tears ice cream, cheerios and cliff bars out of my greedy, carb-starved hands. He's listened to me complain more than anyone. He's watched me become sick after buying me nice dinners on our date nights and nursed me back to health time and again (pulling the car over when I'm nauseous, holding my hair back out of my face, telling me it's okay). He picks up my supplements when I forget and buys me healthy groceries when I can't afford it. He's graciously put up with my irritable, crazy, foggy moments in the midst of substantial sleeplessness and discomfort. He's really gotten me through this whole fiasco and I cannot thank him enough.
He's been through crazy girlfriend boot camp people. We've had a rough couple months and despite misunderstandings and mistakes...he's still around. And it's.....well awesome!
You are wonderful Kenny. Thank you SO much :)
Day 9
Ah, what to say.......OH! Bought myself a granola bar as a treat for completing a whole week of this grueling diet. Didn't affect me badly or anything...but not something I plan to repeat.
And in other news my black slacks that haven't fit me 8 months are now a comfortable, and even loose fit. Which, is basically awesome. Feeling good today. No vomit, lots of rest, lots of supplements and really can't complain. Maybe I'm turning a corner on this whole deal? We shall see.
Hopefully visiting a real live Naturopathic Clinic this week.
And.......I'm done.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Day 8
As for other positive notes I purchased a vintage set of Jars today that have mushrooms on them. For 10 bucks. Hooray :)
Called on this place...we'll see...
Friday, 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. with Dr. Peabody supervising
PCC Sylvania Campus, HT Building, Room 217
12000 SW 49th Avenue, Portland
To make an appt.: (503) 552-1515
Located in southwest Portland, this clinic is the only health service provided on campus. It is the largest of the three PCC campuses, serving approximately 26,000 students annually. The clinic also serves the staff, faculty and community members in the neighborhood.
Day 7 lesson
Friday, February 26, 2010
Day 7
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Day 6
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Day 5
Oh and it's really hard to watch a toddler consume cheesy grilled cheese on homemade bed while you swallow down a mix green salad with no dressing. Sigh....
But it's worth it (she said to herself in the mirror). It's worth it.
Now if I could just get through this work day filled with mud, screams, more screams, upset housekeepers, workmen in the house, and the baby... that pooped in my hand. No joke. I'm officially a horrible nanny and girlfriend. Totally lost my cool today. Totally.
Not going to jog today. Gonna let the body rest while the kiddos nap and listen to classical music while I eat broccol. And, get a pedicure/spa treatment while Rachel Ray cooks me some sorta amazing pasta something and tells me how wonderful I am and that I'm like the little sister she never had and that she wants me to write witty antidotes in her magazine!
And poof...back to reality. I really am going to listen to classical music and eat broccoli though, just so we are clear.
But hey, American Idol is on tonight!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Day 4 was....
They are toddlers.
Yes I found myself in the middle of a very intense situation this morning, otherwise known as "family open gym". It's amazing how cute tiny children can be so cruel to one another. Stealing a ball here, ramming someone's ankle there, taking the cool bike from the smaller's incredible really.
I have more thoughts on this...but I'll save it for my blog that has nothing to do with bodily functions, like this one does.
Now, as for this whole Candida business:
The awesome thing about family gym is that it's right across the street from my favorite restaurant (one of them anyway) Laughing Planet Cafe. This cafe sports plenty of organic, carb free, healthy options for those of you with sensitive systems. Won't kill your wallet either.
So now the kids are sleeping. I just finished up all my household chores (laundry, picking up toys, handwashing bottles, preparing stuff) and so I'm doing a quick blog about the day.
To some it up? This diet really sucks for me right now. You really have to stay so focused. It's so easy to cheat. But so far I've yet to cheat and I feel pretty good despite some minor vomiting today. Really can't complain, I'm already seeing improvement and I truly believe this is going to work. I feel pretty energized today as well. No yesterday.
Things I've focused on:
1. More veggies
2. More water
3. eliminated nuts and soy cheese (for now)
I feel content.
Monday, February 22, 2010
I scream You scream will All scream for....
DAY 3 recap
Peace Out,
Despite eating like a rabbit (or other quick, paranoid rodent) all week long...I feel relatively good. Making sure to get in bed by 9:30 last night really helped (thanks to my boyfriend, ONCE AGAIN for making me put my movie idea away for a better nights sleep). It's 10am now, and I've accomplished a number of tasks thus far:
1. got up at 5am
2. started work by 6am
3. made a very cheesy, carb filled breakfast for my employers, without giving into temptation to eat it myself
4. folded 4 baskets of clothes
5. made peach/apricot pancakes for the children *took one bite..but then spit it out*
6. made myself the world famous "Candida Egg Veggie Scramble"
7. we all brushed our teeth
8. removed the kid's syrup covered pajamas and put on clean clothing
9. washed all the dishes
10. unloaded the dishwasher
11. took out the garbage
12. changed 5 diapers
13. had the "you can't go to high school unless you learn to poop on the toilet" talk
14. Made 23oz of baby formula
15. put all those folded clothes away
16. Re-loaded the dishwasher
17. Drank my super greens
18. Gave Abby her bottle and put her down for morning nap
19. Removed many dangerous items from James hands
20. Sat him down for quiet time with books
21. currently blogging and preparing his sunday school lesson in which we will attempt to learn the Lord's Prayer
22. oh, and took all my supplements
Not too bad for 4 hours, if I do say so myself. I'm doing good......I'm hoping to keep it up.
Stevia Sweetner (I found mine at Trader Joes)
-natural herb
-calorie free
-saccharin free
-non-bitter aftertaste
-sugar free
*use it to zest up your plain yogurt when on the candida diet*
Also, if you're trying to get enough veggies per day, but find the task daunting...buying a super greens mixture is a nice quick way to get that important fiber and nutrients:
Super Greens (also from Trader Joes, in the vitamins/supplements aisle)
-dietary supplement
-contains many different green leafy veggies in powder form
-also contains some fruit powder
*to be used sparingly on the candida diet...only if you really need a green boost*
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Day 2
Saturday, February 20, 2010
DAY 1 recap

props to bethany
Day 1 a success ladies and gentlemen. No cheating....and haven't thrown up (yet) today! Your know your standards for life have dropped when you count a day without puke a miracle.
But won't see me frowning people....for I, Jenni Walker, am thus far vomit free.
My supplements....
day 1
Friday, February 19, 2010
Candida you feel crazy???
A Difficult Endeavor
Fresh Vegetables (lowest in carbohydrates) - Asparagus, arugula, bok choy, beet greens, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, chard, cucumber, endive, fennel bulb, lettuce, nappa cabbage, mustard greens, radish, romanesco, salad greens, spinach, tomato, watercress.
Next best choices (medium carbohydrates) - avocado, artichoke, brussel sprouts, celeriac, chives, collards, dandelion greens, green beans, eggplant, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, okra, onion, parsley, peppers (green, hot, and sweet), rutabagas, sno pea pods, spaghetti squash, turnip, yellow and/or green summer squash, yellow wax beans, zucchini.
Fresh Herbs – basil, cilantro, chervil, dill, mint, oregano, parsley, tarragon, etc. Tasty garnishes for candida cures menus.
Homemade sprouts - clover sprouts, radish sprouts, broccoli sprouts, sunflower sprouts, lentil sprouts, mung bean sprouts
Fresh Coconut - antifungal, full of good fats and not too high in sugars. Fresh coconut is one of my favorite snacks, and its one of the best candida cures!
LOW CARB Yogurt- greek plain yogurt is great! You can add stevia to sweeten it up.
Fresh Garlic - a very potent ingredient in a variety of candida cures, both for the kitchen table as well as for making topical treatments for external symptoms. Also can be used to make an enema solution or as a suppository.
Fresh Ginger - another potent ingredient used in a variety of recipes, excellent for digestive troubles.
Free Range Organic Eggs - Potent source of protein and fat. A convenient addition to our candida cures shopping list.Raw Butter, Organic Butter, Ghee and Clarified Butter
Free Range Chicken, Turkey, Duck, Pheasant, etc.
Grass-Fed Pastured Beef, Bison, Buffalo, Venison, Elk, Lamb, Pork, etc.
Fresh Fish and Seafood
All Natural Deli Meats - from a reputable source, no preservatives, sugars or artificial ingredients.
Bread, carbs, most fruits, sugar, dairy (minus yogurt) and basically everything yummy. Just eat off the list above.
Does this all look good? Let the battle begin....