Sunday, February 28, 2010

Thank ya Kindly.......

Something I've been meaning to say on this blog (to myself mostly, because I know not many people are reading :) is that I am very thankful for my health. Even at my worst in this whole ordeal with daily nausea, aches/pains, and does not compare to all the people out there dealing with cancer, heart disease and other life altering situations. So despite the focus of this blog I want to just type some words of....well.....gratitude I suppose. Because even in the most exhausting moments of feeling terrible, I have continuously been granted a wonderful, blessed life.

So thank you to everyone to prays for me, and to all of you who have gone out of your way to find answers for me. The support and accountablity is much needed and ever so appreciated.

To a few people who have REALLY gone out of their way to be apart of this journey so far. Whether it be following this blog, praying for me or just taking a sincere interest you have impacted me:

Mom- thanks for EVERYTHING. you've been the listening ear, an offerer of resources and prayer, friend, and encourager. And heck you gave birth to me.
Roxanne- I've never even met you but the interest you took in my situation means a lot to me :)
Grandma- The prayer warrior. Nough said.
Jackie- My Africa mama. thanks for always checkin' in on me :)
Nan- For telling me how it is. And for always taking interest in my life. Here's to you, Jello Prez
Anna- Thanks for sharing your story and resources with me
Debbie-I know you can relate, thank you for talking things out with me and for really listening, even when I feel silly talking.

And finally....the biggest thanks goes to a very special "that guy".

My boyfriend, Kenny, has taken some brutal verbal beatings as he tears ice cream, cheerios and cliff bars out of my greedy, carb-starved hands. He's listened to me complain more than anyone. He's watched me become sick after buying me nice dinners on our date nights and nursed me back to health time and again (pulling the car over when I'm nauseous, holding my hair back out of my face, telling me it's okay). He picks up my supplements when I forget and buys me healthy groceries when I can't afford it. He's graciously put up with my irritable, crazy, foggy moments in the midst of substantial sleeplessness and discomfort. He's really gotten me through this whole fiasco and I cannot thank him enough.

He's been through crazy girlfriend boot camp people. We've had a rough couple months and despite misunderstandings and mistakes...he's still around. And it's.....well awesome!
You are wonderful Kenny. Thank you SO much :)

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