Monday, February 22, 2010

DAY 3 recap

Today was........hard.

Yep, hard.

It started out SO lovely. I felt well rested and no tears came when that 5am alarm clock went off. It was amazing because usually I can't even sleep I'm dreading that "summer solace" ringtone (my cell phone alarm clock plays) so greatly. But this morning, I was at peace and ready for my day.

And that peaceful "I'm about to make candida my bitch" overly confidant feeling continued until about 3pm. I successfully got the children down for a nap and then headed up the stairs to the treadmill. I had worked hard all day to get my household duties done so I could take an actual break during naptime to jog. And jog I did....for 2miles (yeah I'm runnin a 15minute mile but who's counting). I felt great! Strong! Inspired! Skinny! and then......

CRASH. My body literally crashed. My lids were heavier than I can ever remember on a work day. I started moving slow, couldn't focus enough to read my book. It was all I could do to stay awake.

I figured too little food intake must have been the problem with that 30min I ate a boiled egg. I ate some peanuts. I had a few blueberries (which are allowed on occasion). And then..

promptly vomited.

Arg. Now, this candida deal requires diligence. It's not an overnight takes weeks and weeks of work to starve that yeast out and even then, some people have to do the diet on and off their whole life to stay in check! But I actually started to believe I had kicked the thing. Boy was I humbled.

I stayed strong despite nausea and headache, when usually I would (in anger) go down any chocolate item I could find. So I consider it a successful day with a few lessons learned:

1. no eating nuts until your a few weeks in
2. save some meat and veggies for AFTER working out
3. chia seeds will fill up your stomach for a long time

Until next time....

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