Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 4 was....

I think quite simply every day is getting easier. It's frustrating to still be vomiting and struggling with headaches. I have to remember I am starting this diet off in the middle of a work week, which makes things more difficult to get used to for the beginning. This will be a long road though and I'm on my way.

Now if I could only find a nautropath my insurance will accept :)

Tried drinking Cayenne pepper mixed in water before eating to aid in digestion today. I've done some of this with lemon juice and a 10 day fast I tried earlier this year. So excluding the lemon juice it seems to be helping a little.

I keep reading articles with so many different ideas on what to try, I think I'm going to just cut it off and stay with what I've got going now. In a couple weeks I'll revisit some other ideas if progress continues to be very slow.

In the end? Kinda the same thing....seeing little changes, but little set backs as well. Going to keep up the hard work. That's all I can do.

Praying no more vomit! Man, (sigh)....it would feel so good not to throw up :)

1 comment:

  1. How is water with cayenne pepper in it? Sounds like it would be weird. I would call it "Hot Water". Get it? Get it? Har har har!
