Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 20

Well, it's been a rough week. I find myself thinking about all the foods that make me sick all the time and it's that rebel in me who wants to "break the rules" of the diet. It's not even as complex as that. I just really really like cheese, bread and sugar. That's the long and short of it.

So after the hard work of these many carb free veggie infused days I finished the Marathon by crashing on my face and eating pizza and drinking wine :) Which, may I just say, was glorious! However the purpose of this blog was not so much to keep the world updated on the status of my health...but more to give me accountability and and outlet to express frustrations/thoughts as I try and figure this thing out. And maybe even help somebody struggling with the same thing find some information to aid in the beginning of their search.

Today is Thursday. It's today I need to focus on. So TODAY I'm going to the grocery store to start back in on the long haul of learning to live different...while acknowledging that it was a rare and special treat to have pizza and actually not sick. So rather than beat myself up I'm moving on with a thankful heart for pizza and all the foods I'm learning to give up...and then?

I'm going to stop thinking about candida, food, probiotics and my own puke for the rest of the day:) And that, my friends, will truly be glorious.

Goals for today:
1. Stop thinking about myself

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