I've been pondering for the last couple days what I've learned from a month on the Candida Diet, and where to proceed from here....
I guess I'll just start with the basics:
1. My body, (for whatever reason)....does not seem to process sugar, starchy foods, alcohol or mixed coffee drinks. It leaves me (almost every time) feeling nauseous, constipated, tired and uncomfortable. These items also more often than not become lodged in my throat.
foods I CANNOT eat, or can only eat rarely:
potatoes, anything "fast" food, mixed drinks, soda, milkshakes, bread, pastries, fried food, milk chocolate, breaded items, orange juice, sugary juices or smoothie drinks (odwallas), mushrooms, strongly citrus fruits, chips, crackers, most pastas, white flour items, cookies, most restaurant prepared food, oily foods, high fat cheeses, food prepared in heavy cream or with lots of cheese, creamy soups, top raman :( , high fat milk....you know....SUGAR, FAT, CARBS.
foods that I CAN eat:
fruit (with exceptions above), eggs, egg whites, Vegetables (with exceptions above), nuts, chia seeds, kombucha teas/drinks, emergency Vitamin C energy packets, olive oil, butter, spices, poultry, beef, fish, oatmeal, ground flax seed, essential greens mixes, stevia, lactose free milk, coconut, coconut milk, plain or low sugar yogurt, dark chocolate (80% cocoa and above), olive oil dressings, very very low sugar low fat dressings, gentle ice creams like fat free/sugar free yogurts and sorbets, soy cheese, low fat white cheese, goat cheese, feta cheese, all natural organic lunch meats, whole wheat low fat tortillas (small amounts), tuna fish, whole wheat pita pockets (small amounts), homemade pizza made fresh, light and with restrictions in mind, homemade soups (carb free).
2. I seem to crave the very foods that affect me so badly. I cannot figure out if this is emotional, or a physical symptom of the Candida. I would guess it's a little of both.
3. My Naturopath believes the mucus build up in my throat is a way my body is trying to protect itself from something (most likely all the foods listed above). Through a continued series of office visits and food journals we will figure it out for sure in the coming months.
4. I have to exercise, drink tons of water and get plenty of sleep or I will continue to struggle with issues no matter what type of diet I am on
5. Pursuing a peaceful mind rooted in spiritual faith and obedience is absolutely essential to my life. (but I've always known that)
As for where I go from here...I am unsure. To continue to live on the Candida diet adds a certain amount of stress and food obsession to my life that I hadn't expected. I've come to realize that I have a very polarized personality. I'm either going to be on the Candida diet with no exceptions....or I'm in the McDonalds drive thru. Either way, I MUST find a moderate way to function within my body's limitations.
After having soared with no cheating and amazing results in the first 20 days of the diet....I crashed hard giving into cravings and finding myself feeling as sick as ever in the last week or so.
New Goals:
1. Moderation: If you're going to have sugar...eat fruit such as berries. If you must have coffee, make it at home using sugar free flavors. Try tea when the caffeine cravings first hits. If you want to have a drink while out with friends, choose a red wine....not a cosmo :) These are the types of choices you have to start making...uh, Jenni. Great I'm talking in 3rd person now.
2. Exercize: Get in 30 mins of cardio a day. This boost your mood and seems to diminish cravings. Enjoy the weather when it's nice!
3. Remember your supplements and water
1. vitamin b drops
2. Magnesium
3. Pro-biotics
4. Papyaya enzyme chewable
4. READ "The Body Ecology Diet" by Donna Gates
read it everyday to help keep your thoughts focused and interested in new ideas and information
So as I move forward, I am still using the Candida Diet as a guideline. And should that prove unsuccessful I may try the diet hardcore again at a later date...but we'll see how this next week goes. More to come.....
You've come a long way in one month! Eating as close to whole, unprocessed, and as organic as possible is what you are striving for:) You're so right about moderation. One of my favorite books and the very first one I owned when switching my eating & health habits was "Back to Eden" by Jethro Kloss. I think you'd love it! I have a great broccoli soup recipe that I've played around with. Just made it today and it's yummy! I can give you the recipe if you want. Have a blessed weekend Jenni!
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome that your following my blog along with your paper! Would LOVE the recipe....I'm curious about how you came to study at the Natural College? I'm becoming more and more interested in these things....:)
ReplyDeletehttp://www.achs.edu/ Is the college I attend (American College of Health Sciences) and is all on-line. Their campus is in John's Landing. I started taking classes while I was working at Healthy Alternatives in Gresham. The owner I worked for was taking classes. I love it and have learned so much! If you aren't busy this weekend I will be working their booth at the "Better Living" show at the expo. on Sunday from 3-4. The show is going all weekend and is free! Verizon is down, so I can't send you the link:( I'll try later if you want. I'll give the soup recipe to your mom Thursday.
ReplyDeleteMy husband John & I went to "The Herb Shoppe" tonight on 3327 S.E. Hawthorne. It was a fun place! They had a tea blend just for candida. If you like tea, check it out! I bought lots of different blends. I love tea!