Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 10

"Please please...please let me dunk her!"

That's what the 3 year old boy I take care of had to say about his sister while in the tub. Apparently his need to put his little sister's head under the water was so great that he actually teared up when I said, "No." This is either the greatest Oscar worthy piece of acting I have ever seen.........or the kid loves putting girls head under the water. But then again, don't all men love bugging women? (cough...Kenny)

As for Candida? I'm kicking it's ass.

I think this may actually be working. I'm also realizing that this isn't going to be a "phase" in my life. I'm learning to eat like this (within reason...I will have a piece pizza at some point in my life I'm sure) for the rest of my life. Pasta may be really yummy...but the number it does on my stomach and throat isn't worth it. Even if I get all this yeast that's giving me problems out of my system...I'm finding that my body seems not mean't for certain foods.

I'm of course seeking a second opinion at the PCC Community Naturopathic Clinic next week, but I think I'm right. My body hasn't felt this at ease and healthy in at least a year. Worth keeping up, even if it means never eating a donut again.

What's the saying? Eat to live, don't live to eat? Easier said than done, but very wise statement.

Still experiencing very infrequent minor nausea/constipation....but considering how I felt 2 weeks ago? I consider this plan to be a success.

Time will tell.......

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